As a consumer, you reserve the right to know that a large amount of moving advertisement is readily available to you all over the internet. Despite this information, many customers are not aware that moving companies must be registered with and have a license issued by the State of Oregon. ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) keeps a record of all moving companies. Please contact them at (503) 378-5985 or (503) 378-4851. By contacting them they will provide you with the following information:
- A List of insured companies
- Company license numbers
- Liability insurance information
- Worker's compensation information
- Company tariffs (pricing)
As a licensed company, please understand that our prices are regulatedby ODOT. Some of the reasons our prices may be higher than unlicensed companies are as follows:
- We are required to pay workers compensation insurance and also liability insurance. This makes a difference in case of an accident on your property.
- We are required to pay payroll and taxes for our employees. We don't evade taxes by paying our employees cash.
Please help us fight against unlicensed moving companies by hiring licensed companies.
Thank you!
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